Free Ford Transit radio code within 30 sec!

Enter your unique code to reactivate your Ford Transit's radio system quickly and easily.

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Tailored for Ford Transit vans, our tool covers all Transit radio models. Whether you have a new or older Transit, we've got you covered.

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Our Ford Transit radio code service is not only fast but also secure. We use advanced algorithms to ensure accuracy and protect your security.

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Our Ford Transit radio code generator provides immediate results. No waiting periods or delays - get back on the road in minutes!

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Ford Transit Van

Unlock your Transit code online.

Gone are the days of long phone calls or trips to the dealership. With our online service, you can get your Ford Transit Van or Connect radio code in less than a minute. Enter your radio serial number on the unlocking generator above, and voila – your unique 4-digit code will appear like magic for free!

Ford Transit Connect

Transit vehicles are covered.

Our radio coding service covers you if you drive a Transit VAN or a Transit Connect manufactured up to 2013. We have tailored our service to handle these popular workhorses of the Ford line-up. If your vehicle has a 6000 CD, 4000 RDS, 5000 RDS, or 1500 RDS radio, you are in luck! These are the exact radio models that our service is designed to unlock. However, if you own one of these vehicles with Trustpilot Navigation, you can still unlock your code.

Ford Transit 6000 CD radio code

What do I need for the unlocking process?

Retrieving your Transit's radio code is a straightforward process that takes just a few minutes. All you need is the radio's serial number, which typically begins with 'M' or 'V.' For the 6000 CD radio model, you can find this number on the display. Other models like the 4000 RDS, 5000 RDS, or 1500 RDS have the serial number on a sticker attached to the radio. Once you've located the serial number, enter it into the form above and click the unlock button. Your unique 4-digit code will appear instantly on the screen.

Ford transit radio serial number on screen

Find the 6000 CD serial number on the screen.

Finding the serial number for your Ford Transit 6000 CD radio is a simple process that you can perform from the driver's seat. Start by turning on your vehicle's ignition. Now, simultaneously press and hold the preset buttons 1 and 6 on the radio. While holding these buttons, turn on the radio. A series of numbers and letters appear on the radio's display. Your radio's serial number appears after 20 seconds and starts every time with the letter V or M. Sample: V100212 or M109901. If you can't locate your serial on the screen, continue reading.

Ford Transit serial number on label

Find 6000 CD, 5000 RDS, 4500 RDS, and 1500 RDS serial on the label.

If your radio does not display the serial number on the screen or your model is older (there are radios even from 2001, such as the 1500 RDS), you can only find this identifier on the label attached to each radio's side and top of the case. You may need special removal keys, so we recommend that you visit your nearest mechanic to help with the removal.